Honda Motor
Honda Motor is Japan's second largest automaker and used to be the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer. It grows EV global business from US and China. In the US, Honda partnered with GM in June 2021 to acquire technologies. In April 2022, it announced the partnership will expand to the global markets. In China, EVs are supplied by Guangqi Honda Automobile. For batteries, Honda announced in Aug 2022 it will set up a joint venture with LGES to build a North American battery plant. It was announced on April 2022 that Honda will invest US$64B in EVs, with a target of 2M units by 2030. Another EV development is to cooperate with Sony to develop EV models.
Business Info
IndustryAutomotive Manufacturing
Place of ResidenceJapan
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 41,922
2021 Revenue ($M)130,303
Rank of 2021 Revenue4
2021 Profit ($M)7,257
Rank of 2021 Profit6